Friday, August 22, 2008



Selamat Pengantin bari di ucapkan kepada Rosman & Shida. Majlis pernikahan & persandingan berlangsung pada 15&16.08.08 dirumah pengantin perempuan di Lanchang Pahang. Majlis persandingan pihak lelaki pula berlansung pada 17.08.08 di Bentong Pahang.

Didoakan kepada pasangan pengantin "Semoga kekal sehingga ke akhir hayat dan semoga berbahagia selalu. -amin-

Can't Stop Falling For You

The effect you leave on me

Is something unbelievable

When you walk in the room It makes my breath unbreathable

My heart leaps like a star shooting in the sky

Your arms wrapped around me Makes me want to cry.

Not the kind that brings sad thoughts

or the ones for fear But the ones when you know that The one you love is near.

With your hand around my waistand your head hearing my heart

Your hand just grasping mine Wishes we'd never part.

The way you tell me its all ok and the way we get in fights not

only makes me yell at you but you make it all alright

I'm not scared with you near me And I am not afraid of you

The only thing i wish was true Was that you love me too

I just cant stop falling for you

p/s: Gambar lain akan di upload kemudian

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